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Packing for Your Office Move Made Easy

08/09/2012 10:56 PM | Deleted user

Packing is never something people look forward to, unless the reason involves the Bahamas and several Pina Coladas on the horizon. There’s just something daunting about staring at countless piles of books, papers, or office supplies and knowing that somehow they need to come with you to your destination.

If there’s something we’ve learned about organization, it’s that steps help. To ensure that you pack effectively, efficiently, and with as little trouble as possible, just follow these steps. You’ll be on a trip to your own personal Bahamas in no time.

  • Use packing as a time to edit. There’s nothing more useless than carrying items you don’t need through years of moving. That stack of books that decorate your office wall that haven’t been opened in six years? Toss them. The old computers that you’re upgrading in a month? Think about recycling them.
  • Pack by type. Office supplies should go together, old electronics should go together, and kitchen supplies should go together. What kills people during moves is discovering that similar items are split between several different boxes, so finding them during the unpacking phase is a pain.
  • Outsource. To be honest, there’s no way to make packing really fun. If you find it’s too much of a pain, then hire someone to do your packing for you so that you can worry about the more important aspects of your office move.

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