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Who’s Managing Your Office (Move)?

10/31/2012 8:56 PM | Deleted user

Think back to your last office move.  Who was in charge?   Who formulated the plan?  Who directed traffic? If it was your office manager, it's most likely your move could have been smoother and less costly.

Office managers are, without a doubt, versatile and invaluable members of your team when it comes to your business running smoothly, but when it comes to relocating your business there is no substitute for an experienced move manager.  Just as an office manager brings together the members and functions of an office, a move manager coordinates the efforts of all participants in relocation.

All Commercial Relocation Network members are equipped with move managers; each trained to know exactly what steps should be taken to make sure your move is performed at peak efficiency.  An experienced move manager can form a plan of action based on origin and destination drawings, properly identify and mark all traffic areas, and take proactive measures to minimize costly downtime. Vendor collision, scheduling of elevators, scheduling with building managers are examples of items often missed when a company tries to manage their own office move.

Move management starts long before your employees start packing their belongings.  Pre-move meetings with office staff help reduce risk of injury or loss during the packing process and prepare all members of your team for move day.  Meeting with IT and other contractors will allow your move manager to organize the efforts of all parties involved so that move day is free of congestion and unnecessary traffic also prevent costly vendor collision.  With a final prep meeting, the move schedule can be reviewed and any pre-move questions can be answered.

The stakes are high for the individual chosen to lead the company’s office move as this individual’s career path is often determined by promotion or termination based on accomplishment of the office move. The company usually has made a big investment in these selected leaders and utilizing a CRN Move Manager will not only reduce your cost but help you retain a key employee.   When proper planning has such a great impact on relocation success, selecting a move manager may just be the biggest decision your company can make.  Starting with the Commercial Relocation Network will get you going down the right path.

Chuck Roach

Admiral Moving Services, Inc.
Agent for Mayflower Transit

664 W. Ash
Fayetteville, AR 72703

479-442-4631 local
800-844-6870 toll free

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