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Organizing Your Office Move with a Floor Diagram

11/01/2013 10:41 AM | Deleted user

When you are thinking about your plan for your office move, organization is essential for a successful move. Besides labeling your boxes, moving crates, and furniture, it is important to make a floor diagram of your entire office space down to each room. Do this for both the origin and destination. Floor diagrams are a great way to organize your move and to help speed up the moving process.

As members of the Commercial Relocation Network, our office movers understand that time is money and we want your move to be just as smooth and efficient as you do.  We want you to get back to operating your business as quickly as possible. Using a floor diagram that depicts where all of your items will be placed at destination will help ensure a more efficient move. Your office moving company’s foreman will convey your floor diagram to the rest of the moving crew and help them understand your exact instructions.

When you put your floor diagram together try to be as detailed as possible about the departments for each area or room space. Make sure you properly label the areas on the diagram legibly, and that the items destined for those rooms or spaces match with your diagram labels. It often helps to use a color-coded labeling system where specific colored labels on items match rooms or spaces with the same color code.

Your floor diagram can include exact furniture placement references per room or space at your new destination. It would be ideal to have measurements already taken to confirm your items will fit in those specific locations.  Then, your office movers can simply match up the furniture with the diagram. This is most efficient floor diagram to use, and would allow for maximum moving efficiency. However, appointing a coordinator who can help with exact furniture placement per room can be just as effective when using a floor diagram.

Be sure to check out CRN’s page on how to plan your office move early and find out even more helpful information with your office move.

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